Starting Monday, our family will embark on a strict 90 day candida free diet. All of us suffer moderate candida symptoms, with myself and my five year old daughter suffering more severely. (She spent a year and a half on antibiotics for kidney reflux as a toddler, until we found natural alternatives. I've spent a few years on blood thinners and various medications. I also took antibiotics several times for mastitis over the course of nursing our three girls.) Currently one daughter is suffering from hearing loss due to yeast, one has OCD tendencies, one has insomnia, two have eczema. I'm always tired. (I've always been energetic until the last few years!! I
hate this!!) My reproductive system is in less than stellar health. The list goes on and on!
There are five of us: my husband and I and our 7, 5, and 4 year old daughters. It seems that embarking on this journey as a family is the easiest and smartest way to go. No "forbidden" items will be in the house, so no one will be tempted to fall off this particular wagon.
Of all things, I'm dreading the lack of caffeine. No coffee!!! No black tea!
No stimulants of any kind! One of my main symptoms is chronic fatigue, so my inner java junkie is screaming in protest! I'm keeping the big picture in mind, though: after 90 days on this diet my adrenals might actually
work and the caffeine might not be so necessary. (However, during the 90 days, my baristas at Starbucks might file a missing persons report....) For my husband it is hot sauce. He puts hot sauce on
everything. (My mother jokes that he doesn't actually like
food, he just uses it to season his hot sauce.) As vinegar is a big no-no during a candida cleanse, every hot sauce we can think of lands on the banned foods list. The girls, for a last hurrah, requested a bunch of bananas and some "maccin and cheese and cheddar" (Annie's shells and cheddar). I obliged.
Let me state that we are, to begin with, healthy eaters. We avoid MSG, HFCS, anything artificial, refined sugar, white flour, man-made oils, anything genetically modified, artificial sweeteners, soda, pork, and the like. You wouldn't think this would be
that much of a transition. It is. But before I get into the dos and don'ts, let us begin with the symptoms. As I've been researching candida (rather extensively) I find that within our family, a good 3/4 of the main symptoms are present. ( I never get yeast infections, so I naively thought this couldn't be my problem. Was I ever mistaken!) For those of you who are, like me, new to this game, those symptoms include but are not limited to:
Acid reflux/ heartburn/ indigestion
Anger / outbursts of rage
Athlete's foot
Bad Breath
Bladder infections
Bruising easily
Cognitive impairment
Cold hands or feet / low body temperature
Cold-like symptoms: excessive mucus in nose, throat, sinuses, lungs and bronchial tubes.
Coughing regularly / incessantly, bronchitis, wheezing, shortness of breath, pain or tightness in chest
Cravings for / Addictions to sugar, sweets, bread pasta and other high-carb foods
Cravings for / Addiction to alcohol (including alcoholism)
Cysts and Polyps (specifically in neck, throat, ovaries, bladder or scrotum), cystitis
Digestive problems / IBS: abdominal bloating and pain , excessive gas, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal
distention, mucus in the stool, hiatal hernia, etc.
Ears: tinnitus (ringing in the ears, deafness, dryness, itchiness, ear pain, ear aches / infections, fluid in ears,
ear discharges, excessive wax buildup
Eyes: blurriness, floaters (spots in front of eyes), erratic vision, flashing lights off to the side of vision,
redness, dryness, itching, etc.
Fatigue / lethargy / exhaustion (including chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein Barr)
Feeling of swelling or tingling in the head
Fungal infections of the skin or nails, ringworm, dermatitis, psoriasis eczema, dark or light patches, etc.
Fogginess / inability to concentrate
Flu like symptoms: coughs and colds
Frequent stomach pains
Glands: swollen (especially lymph nodes), blocked salivary glands (dryness of mouth)
Hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp, dry scalp, sores on scalp
Heart palpitations and irregular heart beat
Headaches / migranes
Hemorrhoids, rectal itching, rash
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
Hypothyroidism ,Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, erratic thyroid function, hyperthyroidism
Irritability, nervousness, jitteriness
Joint pain
Kidney infections
Learning difficulties / learning disabilities
Lesions (on the skin
and inside the body, in the brain, etc.)
Memory loss / poor memory
Mood swings, crying outbursts, feeling spaced out, manic feelings
Mouth sores or blisters, canker sores, dry mouth , white coating on tongue (thrush)
Muscle aches and pain, burning, tingling, poor coordination
Nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, itching, dryness
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Odors (feet, hair or body) not relieved by washing or deodorants
Respiratory infections
Panic Attacks
Sensitivity to fragrance and / or other chemicals
Sore Throat, hoarse voice, constant tickle in throat, laryngitis, etc.
Sleep: insomnia, restless sleep, waking up frequently, nightmares, etc.
Stomach pain, feels like needles in stomach, belching,
IN BABIES: colic, diaper rash, thrush, cradle cap
IN FEMALES: infertility, vaginitis, unusual odors, endometriosos, cramps, menstrual irregulariries, discharge, painful intercourse, loss of sex drive, PMS, redness or swelling of the vulva and surrounding areas, vaginal itching, burning or redness, persistent infections.
IN MALES: jock itch, loss of sex drive, impotence, prostitis, penis infections, difficulty urinating, urinary frequency or urgency, painful intercourse, swollen scrotum, prostate problems, etc.
There is so much more, but as I am feeling tired, foggy, and unable to concentrate, we shall leave it at that. You get the point.
In all of the research I have done, one thing seems to be lacking as a resource: RECIPES! Everyone will tell you what you can and can not eat (okay, mostly can
not) but without any practical how-to help, it is just too daunting of an undertaking. So I begin this blog to fill that void....As a place to learn and share practical recipes, tips and ideas for candida free living. Our 90 day trial run begins on Monday, so we'll discuss the do's and don'ts of the diet before then. I welcome all comments and suggestions!! Here's to feeling GREAT!