Monday, January 3, 2011

Back on Track!

Well, the candida diet has its perks.....after a short while on the diet we found out we were expecting! After four years of trying with no luck, a few simple changes in diet made a big difference. The pregnancy and delivery, however, were very difficult and sticking to the diet just did not work. I kept away from gluten but failed on pretty much every other level.  (Funny how when you're on bed rest you eat pretty much whatever people bring you!!)  I can sum things up pretty well, though, when I say that on the diet: felt GREAT. Off the diet: NOT SO MUCH. On a side note, after the pregnancy I very quickly returned to my post diet weight with no effort, and that was even after having surgery three times! (Also funny- how every bad thing you should not ever eat can be found in your diet while staying in the maternity ward!)
SO, the baby is 3 months old now, life is beginning to get back to normal, and next Monday the diet resumes in full force! I'm actually looking forward to it, even as I finish off the rest of my Ghirardelli peppermint bark that I got for Christmas......I ache to feel good again.
We look forward to sharing more recipes and success stories in the months to come!

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